Why Should You Have Insurance to Drive a Car
In case you're a first-time driver, you might be pondering: Do you require insurance to drive a vehicle?
Indeed, you do require protection to drive automobile.
If you own a vehicle in Canada, you must get car insurance to avoid being fined. All areas and regions in Canada anticipate that you should carry car insurance.
Here are a few reasons why you should have automobile insurance:
- It's a legal requirement!
If you do not have auto insurance in Canada, you are not allowed to drive a car. Although insurance premiums may appear expensive, the financial consequences of driving without it might cost thousands of dollars.
- Pay now to save later.
Having collision coverage protects your wallet from pricey and unexpected charges in the event of a collision. A policy that includes liability, accident benefits, and collision coverage could save you and your family thousands of dollars in the event of an accident.
- Protects oneself and others.
Insurance exists to safeguard you from situations in which you may be forced to pay for unexpected costs.
- Replaces a stolen Car
Imagine this scenario: you've just finished your shopping and are heading to your parking spot, only to discover that it's vacant. That sense of fear is irreplaceable. At the very least, you can pay money towards a replacement automobile if you have car insurance (if you have selected the theft option).
Auto insurance protects your financial investment and your reliance on your vehicle. It additionally gives assurance against less-mindful drivers out and about. Insurance may appear to be expensive, however think about the option of paying for damages out of your own pocket. A car insurance coverage may safeguard your car, your wallet, and even give you peace of mind.
Affordable Driving School is the leading driving school in the Ontario/Durham, Ajax. For professional, friendly, patient and fun lessons, call us now!
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